Friday, December 11, 2015

Living for someone

The world just keeps getting worse. Governments fall, wars are fought, people lose what is rightfully theirs. Humanity dies for no reason. The terrorist killing a man same has himself forgets why is he giving that man the same pain he has gone through. A man who is tired of his domestic life and his wife unleashes his anger and destroys her and him as well. I am no feminist, but what is unacceptable remains unacceptable. A drunk man kills people in a split second with his car. A man who committed a mistake by being intimate with a woman pulls out his own blood, his own child from the woman's womb. He causes pain to that woman who could do nothing but bear the child of his mistake. He kills that living being who had yet to see the world. He destroys himself and becomes a disgrace to family.

The land where I am, people at times say you have to go on alone. Family has no right to fetch their time to earn money. I question them - what use is that money if you cannot buy happiness to someone? Why did someone put in so much effort to pull you to the pinnacle of success that you stand on right now? Why do you ignore that the people who trust in you, love you? Is their effort into you futile? Why cannot you return that same favor to someone younger to you who has yet the world to see?

Now that I have the power of Internet in my hands, I wish to tell the world that family is not just two married people with children. Family is more than that. When you commit to being a family, you commit a lifetime to them. You partner in their good and bad times. You make children, you toil for them and see them succeed the way your parents saw you succeed. Every life has a story behind it - good or bad. We see people who thank God, their parents, their mentor, their friends, their life partner for where they are. I feel they are the true human beings. As for atheists, I would like to say, people like me believe that God is an imaginary friend, and you should not be troubled by that. For people who do not value their parents, I value them because I respect how hard it is to bring up children. For those who do not respect the true value of a mentor, I believe you have not learnt from your mother's womb and come into this world. Those who do not value their friends, please do not forget they were nobody to you, but still they have been with you for God knows what period of time. (Atheists, no need to explain it to you again). Those who do not value that significant other in life, if you do not, better alleviate your partner from this pain - you are not bound to be with them. Try to understand what made you guys fall in love with each other. Do not mess with nature - try to get some sense that you are meant to make a successful life together. It is not an agreement that breaks with a signature on a piece of paper that law calls divorce.

I understand that being a young individual,  I may not be capable of teaching someone a lesson. I myself am in need of life lessons, and am struggling to make a living by studying and learning harder every single day. But, I am a human. Humans have feelings more fine in detail than any other creature on this Earth. Why do you limit your vision to helplessness and disgust? I am a fan of Sylvester Stallone, and John Rambo is a classic to me. I remember him say: "Live for nothing, or die for something". True, but there is no need to die. Just try to live for something, live for someone that will love you back seeing your effort. Believe in love and see how does it make your life beautiful. Believe in compassion and humanity, and accept your mistakes and make your life free of guilt. Live your life with honor, and life shall honor you with what you would not have even expected.


  1. A few grammar errors here and there is the only error in this blog. I enjoyed your thought process

  2. Well drafted :) worth reading it!! Life experiences with moral values !!
